Dear members of Trinity,
Thank you for all of your understanding and patience as we’ve opened up again for face-to-face services over the past few months. We appreciate all the concerns and questions that have come. As I’m sure you are aware, opinions and concerns are very different from one person to another. At this time though, there are two major thoughts that we would like to address.
First, we would like to get back to our normal schedule as soon as we can. Outdoor services have been nice, but it’s not a good long-term solution, and our sanctuary is much better equipped to hold a service, with sound, seating, environment, etc. Also, we want to get back to being able to enjoy some type of conversation and fellowship, as well as getting our Bible Study going again between services. Simply put, we miss being able to have that time before and after services to talk and chat and see each other.
Second, we still need to be aware of the situation we are in, and the concerns of many of our members about safety and being able to be in God’s house to receive his gifts. We have a number of members with health complications; others with small infants; others who are taking care of loved ones who are at risk. While you can go shopping for someone, or do yardwork for someone, one thing you cannot do is go to church for someone. These members want to be able to be in church to receive God’s gifts, and we need to be loving and caring towards our neighbors who desire that certain precautions are in place for all.
To that end, here is how services will be conducted, starting officially on July 26th, but we ask that if at all possible, we could begin to have these changes take place as much as possible at our services this weekend (July 19th).
Service Procedures
Sunday 8:15 AM: At our 8:15 service, we will require that masks be worn by all in attendance throughout the service. As you come up to receive the Lord’s Supper, we would ask you to simply pull down or remove your mask once you are at the table to commune, and then put it back on after receiving communion. Following the Executive Order issued on July 10th, children under five years of age would not be required to wear a mask, and also our Pastor and Vicar, when conducting the service from the Chancel will remove their masks so that they can be clearly heard when leading the service.
Sunday 10:45 AM & Monday 6:30 PM: At our Sunday 10:45 and Monday 6:30 services, we ask that those in attendance would still wear a mask when entering and exiting or moving about the church, but once you are seated and at a distance from other members, the removal of masks would be fine. For those wondering about the legality of this, due to the Executive Order, there is a section in the order that reads, “no individual is subject to penalty under section 8 of this order for removing a mask while engaging in religious worship at a house of religious worship.” As time goes on, we hope that these services can go more “back to normal” with a regular receiving of the Lord’s Supper at the communion rail, with hymns sung during distribution, and less restrictions in place. We will continue to talk about how best to do this.
If the executive order allows for the removal of masks, why are we requiring them for the 8:15 AM service?
We are asking you to wear your mask out of love for your fellow congregation members who are at risk and simply want to be able to come to church with that level of protection so that they can focus on the reason they are in church: to hear God’s Word and to receive His Gifts. While the order states you may remove masks, it also states, “Consistent with guidance from the CDC, congregants are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings during religious services.” Simply put, we owe it to those who want to come to church with this precaution in place, to give them an opportunity to do so. Our 8:15 AM service is the best option for this because the sanctuary will have been cleaned and sanitized well before we come in for church that morning.
Why don’t we require masks for all services?
For the same reason as above, out of love for our fellow congregation members who struggle with wearing masks, or for whom wearing a mask distracts from being able to focus on the reason they are in church: to hear God’s Word and to receive His Gifts. Of course, you are still able to wear a mask if you prefer.
Why aren’t we continuing an outdoor service?
While our outdoor service has been nice, it is not something that can be maintained long-term. The Lord has blessed us with good weather so far, but we are always at risk of rain or excessive heat. Our service also works much better in the sanctuary where our organ can lead our singing, our sound system works well, and our space is designed for our Divine Service. With the work involved in setting up and tearing down, it also limits other things we would like to get back to, such as Bible Study and Fellowship.
What about Bible Study?
We would like to start our Sunday Morning Bible Study back up on Sunday, August 9th. As things progress we will know if we can hold it in the Sanctuary or if we need to move down to the School Gym or some other location.
What about Coffee and Fellowship?
One thing that we have been lacking is that time of conversation and catching up with one another before, after, and between services. Our goal is to get back to that as soon as possible.
Will we still stream services on-line?
Yes, we will continue to try and stream our 8:15 AM Sunday Service on our Facebook page and will post it to our website.
What can I do to help?
To be able to accomplish everything that is needed, we are going to need our members to pitch in and help. We could always use more men to usher; we could use some volunteers to sanitize things between services; we definitely need some volunteers to help with streaming services, and running the soundboard and projectors. If you can help, please call the office!
How long will this last?
Like with everything these days, we don’t have a clear answer. In all of this, we remember that our goal as a Christian Church is that: “we shall daily receive in the Church nothing but the forgiveness of sin through the Word and signs, to comfort and encourage our consciences as long as we live here. So even though we have sins, the grace of the Holy Spirit does not allow them to harm us. For we are in the Christian Church, where there is nothing but continuous, uninterrupted forgiveness of sin. This is because God forgives us and because we forgive, bear with, and help one another.” (Luther’s Large Catechism)
We will do what we can to make sure this remains our goal in all things. We want God’s Children to be able to come to God’s House to receive the forgiveness of sins. Until the day that Christ comes back, we “forgive, bear with, and help one another” to this goal.
In Christ,
Pastor Burhop
Thank you for all of your understanding and patience as we’ve opened up again for face-to-face services over the past few months. We appreciate all the concerns and questions that have come. As I’m sure you are aware, opinions and concerns are very different from one person to another. At this time though, there are two major thoughts that we would like to address.
First, we would like to get back to our normal schedule as soon as we can. Outdoor services have been nice, but it’s not a good long-term solution, and our sanctuary is much better equipped to hold a service, with sound, seating, environment, etc. Also, we want to get back to being able to enjoy some type of conversation and fellowship, as well as getting our Bible Study going again between services. Simply put, we miss being able to have that time before and after services to talk and chat and see each other.
Second, we still need to be aware of the situation we are in, and the concerns of many of our members about safety and being able to be in God’s house to receive his gifts. We have a number of members with health complications; others with small infants; others who are taking care of loved ones who are at risk. While you can go shopping for someone, or do yardwork for someone, one thing you cannot do is go to church for someone. These members want to be able to be in church to receive God’s gifts, and we need to be loving and caring towards our neighbors who desire that certain precautions are in place for all.
To that end, here is how services will be conducted, starting officially on July 26th, but we ask that if at all possible, we could begin to have these changes take place as much as possible at our services this weekend (July 19th).
Service Procedures
- All three services (Sunday 8:15 and 10:45; Monday 6:30) will now be held in the sanctuary.
- Our ushers and elders will continue to wear masks when they are serving in those positions where they need to be in close proximity to those attending services.
- We continue to offer the Lord’s Supper in a way that is consistent with the Words of Scripture and with as much care as we can. At this time households are ushered forward one at a time to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. A sanitized tray is used for each household, with the Body of Christ placed upon it, and the Blood of Christ is available by individual cups spread out significantly in a tray, or by a sanitized Chalice for each household.
Sunday 8:15 AM: At our 8:15 service, we will require that masks be worn by all in attendance throughout the service. As you come up to receive the Lord’s Supper, we would ask you to simply pull down or remove your mask once you are at the table to commune, and then put it back on after receiving communion. Following the Executive Order issued on July 10th, children under five years of age would not be required to wear a mask, and also our Pastor and Vicar, when conducting the service from the Chancel will remove their masks so that they can be clearly heard when leading the service.
Sunday 10:45 AM & Monday 6:30 PM: At our Sunday 10:45 and Monday 6:30 services, we ask that those in attendance would still wear a mask when entering and exiting or moving about the church, but once you are seated and at a distance from other members, the removal of masks would be fine. For those wondering about the legality of this, due to the Executive Order, there is a section in the order that reads, “no individual is subject to penalty under section 8 of this order for removing a mask while engaging in religious worship at a house of religious worship.” As time goes on, we hope that these services can go more “back to normal” with a regular receiving of the Lord’s Supper at the communion rail, with hymns sung during distribution, and less restrictions in place. We will continue to talk about how best to do this.
If the executive order allows for the removal of masks, why are we requiring them for the 8:15 AM service?
We are asking you to wear your mask out of love for your fellow congregation members who are at risk and simply want to be able to come to church with that level of protection so that they can focus on the reason they are in church: to hear God’s Word and to receive His Gifts. While the order states you may remove masks, it also states, “Consistent with guidance from the CDC, congregants are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings during religious services.” Simply put, we owe it to those who want to come to church with this precaution in place, to give them an opportunity to do so. Our 8:15 AM service is the best option for this because the sanctuary will have been cleaned and sanitized well before we come in for church that morning.
Why don’t we require masks for all services?
For the same reason as above, out of love for our fellow congregation members who struggle with wearing masks, or for whom wearing a mask distracts from being able to focus on the reason they are in church: to hear God’s Word and to receive His Gifts. Of course, you are still able to wear a mask if you prefer.
Why aren’t we continuing an outdoor service?
While our outdoor service has been nice, it is not something that can be maintained long-term. The Lord has blessed us with good weather so far, but we are always at risk of rain or excessive heat. Our service also works much better in the sanctuary where our organ can lead our singing, our sound system works well, and our space is designed for our Divine Service. With the work involved in setting up and tearing down, it also limits other things we would like to get back to, such as Bible Study and Fellowship.
What about Bible Study?
We would like to start our Sunday Morning Bible Study back up on Sunday, August 9th. As things progress we will know if we can hold it in the Sanctuary or if we need to move down to the School Gym or some other location.
What about Coffee and Fellowship?
One thing that we have been lacking is that time of conversation and catching up with one another before, after, and between services. Our goal is to get back to that as soon as possible.
Will we still stream services on-line?
Yes, we will continue to try and stream our 8:15 AM Sunday Service on our Facebook page and will post it to our website.
What can I do to help?
To be able to accomplish everything that is needed, we are going to need our members to pitch in and help. We could always use more men to usher; we could use some volunteers to sanitize things between services; we definitely need some volunteers to help with streaming services, and running the soundboard and projectors. If you can help, please call the office!
How long will this last?
Like with everything these days, we don’t have a clear answer. In all of this, we remember that our goal as a Christian Church is that: “we shall daily receive in the Church nothing but the forgiveness of sin through the Word and signs, to comfort and encourage our consciences as long as we live here. So even though we have sins, the grace of the Holy Spirit does not allow them to harm us. For we are in the Christian Church, where there is nothing but continuous, uninterrupted forgiveness of sin. This is because God forgives us and because we forgive, bear with, and help one another.” (Luther’s Large Catechism)
We will do what we can to make sure this remains our goal in all things. We want God’s Children to be able to come to God’s House to receive the forgiveness of sins. Until the day that Christ comes back, we “forgive, bear with, and help one another” to this goal.
In Christ,
Pastor Burhop